Ophthalmology | Chiron Medical

Chiron Eye Centre specializes in dealing with complex eye diseases and vision-related problems. The aim of Chiron Eye Centre is to enhance patients’ quality of life by improving sight and preventing blindness through compassionate patient care. Our experienced ophthalmologist and optometrists are committed to your care during the current COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. We want you to know that we have implemented many new guidelines to keep you and our employees safe.

Chiron Eye Centre provides comprehensive eye examinations, diagnosis, treatment and continues monitoring follow-up care for all types of conditions of the eye, eyelid and vision. Treatments for common ophthalmic disorders including: children myopia, retinal disorders, cataracts, glaucoma, dry eye, flashes/floaters, macular degeneration and others are performed by our certified staffs.



Retinal Vascular Diseases

Children Myopia Control

The eye centre is equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic and laser equipment for the management of various eye conditions. Myopia progression control services such as orthokeratology contact lenses, topical pharmaceutical agent such as atropine, and the latest peripheral defocus lens technology (DIMS) are available in our centre. Operations can be performed at affiliated day surgery centres or hospitals. We can also arrange laboratory tests and radiological imaging.

Check-ups available in Chiron Eye Centre

Cataract assessment using the IOL Master

Computerized visual field testing and nerve fiber layer assessment

Retinal angiography

Optical Coherence Tomography

Refraction for spectacle prescription

Opening Hours

Mon to Fri: 9:30am - 6:30pm

Sat: 9:30am - 1:30pm

Closed on Sundays and public holidays

Contact Us


Room 2601-04 & 06-08, 26/F, 9 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong

Enquiry Hotline

2155 1321


Handled by specialists

All cases are handled by experienced ophthalmological professionals

Short waiting time

Make an appointment now. The consultation is usually available within 24 hours

High transparency and reasonable pricing

No hidden charges, and will ensure that you clearly understand the medical fee before you pay

All-round follow up

Managed by our medical team, from checking, hospitalization to post-surgery treatment

A variety of surgeries

Suggest the most appropriate and minimally invasive surgery plan depending on each case

Protect personal privacy

Comprehensive protection will be made for patients’ privacy

Would like to find our medical professionals? Reservation and enquiry:

Dr. LAU Sing Lok Charles

Specialist in Ophthalmology

Dr. CHAN Chia Chieh Orlando

Specialist in Ophthalmology

Related Services







Children Myopia Control




眼敏感 (過敏性結膜炎)




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